User commits suicide in Caracas Subway

in #blog7 years ago

Caracas August 16, 2018

Caracas Subway

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Today as every day I was on my way home using public transport Caracas Subway on line 1, when the subway staff said "Users are informed that the system has delays due to a winding in the station Miranda, address Propatria. " Inside the sad news I wanted to think that it was an accident, but it turned out not to be like that, it was a user who threw himself into the subway tracks.

Miranda Station

Photo source

I impact a lot as the people around me, joke and make fun of this, as if they did not care, even a lady next to me said "What an annoyance, a bored who did not want to wait for the subway and shot before ", to which some people began to laugh, my girlfriend who was with me annoyed said loudly" That does not make you laugh! " what caused a resounding silence of the people, turning to another side or turning his eyes.

668/5000 I understand that we are in strong moments, but I do not understand how there can be so insensitive people in the world. I do not think we Venezuelans are like that, but unfortunately groups of people without hearts, without education, morals, ethics and principles damage our name here and in the world. Many want a change, but it is necessary for ourselves to make that happen, as long as people keep thinking about themselves without worrying about others it is very difficult for a society to get ahead again, it is already a culture issue of groups of people that do not fit with what most Venezuelans want, which is peace, harmony and a decent life.

I get tired of hearing people criticize the government for many bad things they have done, but when they see them they also cheat, they also steal (only on a smaller scale) but they point and do not bring the change from home, even teaching them to your children to be "Alive! or Piles!" and what they are is damaging even more the future of a society, which does not resemble today what it was 20 years ago.

Rest in peace that person who today decided to leave his life, I do not know their reasons but I ask God that people are filled with strength and seek ways to get ahead and not end their lives by the pressure or evil of others. Many times we let problems overwhelm us by not seeking help, by not wanting to accept a hand that helps us get out of the problem by pride of not wanting to let us see that we are or that we have problems.

Sirs! we all have problems, only that what for some is a difficulty for others is not and vice versa, but in the end nobody's life is perfect and we all have holes or stones in the way, many say if I had money I would have no problem, but how many millionaires, celebrities and others, also commit suicide, get depressed or feel bad, the end is not money is not love is nothing in particular, if you have a lot of something you will feel bad for what you lack, because in Most people in general have to be ungrateful with the things they have and just lose something to begin to appreciate, the poor or rich end, we are all humans who feel and suffer, we cry, we laugh and die we go to the same place and we will become the same, a touch of love and humility would not fall badly to the world in general.

It is unfortunate that things like this happen and I ask God to protect us and take care of the life of each one of us.


El metro de caracas ha sido uno de los medios de transporte mas importantes por no decir el principal de la ciudad , moviendo a miles de personas diariamente a su destinos , pero que al pasar de los años se ha envuelto en un caos y miseria, donde esta todo sucio, descuidado, la delincuencia reina dentro de ella, el servicio ha decaído y para mi uno de los mayores problemas es que es "gratuito" . Pero también lamentablemente es uno de los objetivos para muchas personas quitarse la vida , es triste. Excelente post oushan.