Life as a lot to offer. We have been created with a lot of potential as individuals, but we are very much different from each other as humans. Not only in personality, but also character, perception, talent, attitude, ambitions etc.
But one of the thing that we are common as human. We all want to be on top of the pile, we want to be the better than any one. We want to be successful more than any one. We all share this nature, the different is some of us are more upfront with that when others are to good to hide it, far somewhere in the corner of their hearts.
It is not bad, but some people are so much consumed by this, to the extent it has become distractive to themselves even to the people around them and those who come into contact with them.
I have a word for you, today.
Get used, to see someone is better than you, get used to see someone is more educated than you, get used to see someone is more wealthy than you, get used to see someone as a beautiful wife or a handsome husband than yours.
Get used to see somebody as a better job than yours, get used to see somebody as bright kids than yours.
That is life. There will always be somebody who is better than you in some way.
Get used to see somebody no matter what you do, they will never appreciate you. Get used to see someone always disagree with you. Get used to find someone who doesn't know you but he/she hates you with passion.
Get used to see sometimes people will never accept you no matter how good you are in what you do. Get used to never find a common ground with some people. Get used that you will win some and loose some. That's life.
Get used with what is happening in life generally. Get used to see more advancement in technology. Get used to see more blockchain driven technology gaining more ground. That's life!
All you need to do is this, be the best you can do, live your life, mind your business, work on what you need to improve, compete with none but yourself. Save yourself time and resources by focusing on you. The best life is not to be above everybody, but to live accordingly to the best level of your potential.
Very much connected to the inner you. This brings joy, satisfaction and significance.
Thank you for your time
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