Jane Is Out Of Commision | Update

in #blog7 years ago (edited)


So as you all know I got my wisdom tooth removed on Tuesday Feb, 1st. I shared my entire experience with you all but post op has been a nightmare. First of all I have experienced a lot of swelling and pain, I am on 3 different pain killers that stop the pain for a few short hours and then its back again. I honestly thought that by tomorrow (Monday) I would be back at another Morning Coffee With Jane. Unfortunately, the Dentist believes that my body isn’t reacting properly to the bone graft causing a ton of inflammation/swelling and the difficultly of the procedure itself is causing the pain. I have a really horrible taste in my mouth, and I have been on an all liquid diet since Thursday. The antibiotics are killing my stomach, and..well you all know how that goes. I truly thought this was going to be an easy process as my last wisdom tooth extraction wasn't this complicated and honestly in three days I was 100%. However, instances like these make me entirely too grateful to work for myself, I have a full control over my own schedule! So, I don't feel guilty because I missed work, or begging my boss for an extra few days off.

Video 1 - Shit Only Dtubers Will Understand
Video 2 - @neeqi's vlog!I’m kind of miserable but the same time grateful, and I have been reading/watching all your posts and they have been making me happy! Thanks for cheering me up steemit! My favorite videos so far have been @neeqi and @kevinli, who both paired up together to make some pretty entertaining videos! Here they are:

SO Here Are My Tips For Dealing With Wisdom Tooth Removal Post-Op:

  1. Have your meds called into the pharmacy before your procedure, I made the mistake of having it called in AFTER and therefore the anesthesia wore off and I was in pure hell for half an hour.
  2. If its a tough extraction, make sure you have some good medications prescribed including an antibiotic so it doesn’t get infected.
  3. Use A LOT of ice on the area for the first 1-2 hours after getting the tooth removed, this will help with the swelling later on.
  4. Lay down, get comfy, watch Netflix! I highly you suggest a show with more than one season that you haven’t watched yet.
  5. If you’re a steemian, make sure you have some written articles beforehand. (Unlike me)
  6. Have some soup and ice cream readily available!

I will be back at it with Morning Coffee With Jane, Workout Of The Day and so much more so soon!

Missing you all,


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Gute Besserung!

= Become well soon in German ;)

Ahhh thank you :D or shall I say, Danke!?

Bitte ;)

hey... wisdom tooth needs to be removed only if its eruption is obstructed or there is gross caries in it...
removing a tooth is never a good option.. you should try to save the tooth at first... the best procedure is root canal treatment... and if the tooth is more damaged then only u shud think of its removal...

if u extracted ur wisdom tooth.. the best way to improve healing of the socket is by adding little salt in luke warm water and have a BD dose of chymoral forte

Thank you but the tooth was impacted and sightly erupting. So, in my case it formed a pocket in which food would get stuck in causing me to get really uncomfortable, and I had bleeding and inflammation which would lead to a gross carie. Root canal treatment was impossible on the tooth.
It hurt when I would eat anything hard, so I was compromising the left side of my mouth because it was the only way I could chew. Extraction was the only answer. I will do the warm salt rinse when I'm ready, thank you!

yes yes ... if it was impacted then the only choice is to get it removed... remain on soft diet for couple of days and have medication on time. Doctors must have told u about the dry socket... so keep it clean as much as u can... take care... God bless

and yea i dont mind anyone talking me to KFC for dinner... we can both have dinner even after, if, i extract ur wisdom tooth... :)

Ahhh thanks for this God answer my prayer hahaha. I have troubled sleeping at night because of my wisdom tooth.. i give your tips a try thanks :')

Have you seen a dentist?

Damn, that sounds terrible. Sorry for the pain, and thanks for tips/shoutouts.

My wisdom teeth are still intact but there might be a day when I need to remove them.

Haha sounds unlikely! You're one of the lucky ones.

It will get better with time.

It’s already gotten exponentially better!!

Hope you're on the mend, looking forward to seeing you back in action again soon! Take care!

Thank you!! I will get back on it asap!

I've never had my wisdom teeth taken out but it sounds like a bumpy ride! I hope you get through it quickly. It was really nice to hear that you were inspired by the collab! Was heaps of fun.

Haha its no joke thank you so much! and yes it was awesome to see, keep them coming please!

Thanks for information

Look at this from the positive side- tooth removed and liquid diet will take off some kilos))

Haha I did have ice-cream >.<

It usually takes about 3 days to recover somewhat, (I have done that type of procedure a few times it is horrible, but the laughing gas and the dodgy painkillers makes it more endurable).

Its almost been a week, im almost there! I had no nitrous haha so you're lucky there!
The pain killers have been helping a ton!!

It is kinda traumatic even with nitrous. I hope you recover swiftly!