The South of France - A brief romance pt.5

in #blog8 years ago (edited)


Stepping out of the shower, pointing and laughing at my towel ensconced erection,
She said to me,
"It's not everyday I invite strange men back to my apartment, you do know right, after knowing them for a full 10 minutes?"

"So it's not a hobby of yours?" I replied, still enjoying the view.

"You are the first one ever!"
She smiled, and then she went a little serious.
I passed her a white fluffy towel, to wrap herself in.
"Would you like to be my hobby?" She said, smiling, looking down....

Flirty, smiley, Twiggy, had disappeared.
She was walking toward me, slowly wrapping herself in the towel. We were past sex somehow, even though we hadn't actually done anything.
The ease with which we were together was a strange, very relaxed, 'intense-ness'

Moving slowly closer to me, biting her lower lip gently. Closer.
"Are you staying, then?"She whispered to me.

This was the first time she sounded like young 19 year old girl.

As I stepped towards her, we put our arms around each other.
This had now become a tender moment, not a sexual one.

"Please stay for a while at least, if you can. I mean, if you want to," She said, into my shoulder.

"Of course I'm staying, gorgeous. For a while. If you want me to..." Smelling her hair, intoxicating my senses in her soft, feminine fragrances.

We just held each other, gently, for what seemed an age, losing ourselves in each other.
Until we heard a 'click' - From the next room.

"Oh, that's the maid," she said, pulling away for me. "It's fine, just carry on like she is not here"

The moment was broken, we both new that.
I went to retrieve some fresh clothes from my rucksack.

Twiggy, walked through the apartment, dropped her towel, unembarrassed by the presence of the maid, and started slipping into underwear. Her legs just went on forever.

And then she started talking in French to the maid - naked except white cotton panties.

I nearly died from sensory pleasure overload, I swear.

"Come over her babes," She said " Coffee and croissants?".
I followed her - she still semi naked, me in a state of bliss.
We walked onto a terrace, while the maid followed us, bringing orange juice, coffee and a basket of fresh croissants and pastries.

Sitting down, close to me, stroking my arm, now back to her exuberant self started, "Right, this is bit crap really, but....My plan for today was to stay in, lock the world outside, watch films, and snuggle up together, drink wine, eating fresh strawberries of each other, and falling asleep together after making love all night. And morning to, of course", Smiling at me.

"Sound like a fantastic plan, but can we switch your itinerary around a little?" Winking, "I have a much better idea"

"We have to go out first" She said, "Or least, I do. You can stay here, and wait for me if you like, or come with me - even better!"
"Where to?" I asked
"Not for long, I just have to meet up with a couple of friends. I promised them ages ago, and forgot all about it, since meeting you last night, my head has been somewhere else" grinning, almost shyly, over at me.

"I'm happy to come out with you gorgeous. I'd love to. We have lots of time. No rush for anything, is there?"

"Not at all babes, We have all the time in the world...." Kissing me.

"My friends are gonna shit themselves, when they see you!", She said, Laughing...

"Lets get dressed, and lets go then. Let's get it over with, " She said, obviously not overly thrilled at the prospect.
"I have a date later, with a sexy guy I just met, and I can't wait to get him
into bed "


to be continued....