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RE: Stop Rewarding the Follow-For-Follow/Great Post Crowd

in #blog8 years ago

I talked about this in a post recently too. You have to remember, there are videos going around the internet at the moment selling steemit as a 'get rich quick' platform. This is very harmful for Steemit. What we need is engaged users. these spam account will always exist as people join that platform and don't know what to do. Some sort of education initiative is needed


Yeah, it seems that education is the best approach - at least an attempt at education. Something to weed out the get rich quick crowd from those that just don't know any better yet. One thing is sure - just ignoring them doesn't work as far as waking them to that unwanted behavior.

That is so true @sminchow. Ignoring them doesn't work.

Something to the effect, "you must watch these three video's on steemit before you may operate your account" Thanks @paulag.

An 'orientation' progarm