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RE: Being a Left-Handed in the world of Right-Handed Population

in #blog6 years ago

I can totally related with this as I'm left handed and it's kind of annoying here because in our culture it's disrespectful to give people something with your left hand.. Like if you wanna pay the cab man or give your dad something and you do that with your left hand, then it's disrespectful, I do that all the time not intentionally but because I'm left handed and I get the crazy looks all the time, like why is she been disrespectful and I'm just tired of telling random strangers I'm lefted handed all the time. So I just own up to it, if you think I'm disrespectful because I give you something with my left hand then I am! I'm left handed and I'm just tired of apologizing for that!

Posted using Partiko Android


hehehe totally agreed. My grandma does that to me.