I quickly posed this question the other day and it got a lot of interest and input. Turn's out I'm not the only one who is thinking about this exact thing.
Yesterday I posted about how we used to literally blow cigarette smoke into people's ass to try to bring them back for that dead and I quickly posed the question I wonder what we are doing in medicine that will turn out completely insane in the future.
I was surprised people noticed this quick musing and casted some ideas. This is something I often think of not only in medicine but in the entire society and technology as well.
@coolbowser mentioned chemotherapy and radiation to cure cancer, which is definitely a strong possibility. I've often heard it referred to as nuclear bomb to kill a fly, and definitely the side effect profile and fact is can also cause other cancers makes it a very strange treatment option in deed.
The second thought from @mattclarke was root canals and saving rotten and dead teeth in someones mouth with this procedure. His brother is convinced that this directly causes dementia.
I personally think we will likely/hopefully see huge changes to antibiotic use in the future as we are currently approaching a crisis with antibiotic resistance and personally had a run in when I almost lost my finger from a simple cut since I was colonized with the super bug MRSA. Your welcome to check out that story here, but the photos are not for the squeamish.
My other personal though is that some sort of processed food additive or artificial sweetener will eventually turn out to be as toxic as some people suggest and become the new cigarettes or tobacco enema's.
I am a bit of a geek (you may have noticed) and love the dystopia novel genre. It all seams so possible that one day some sort of critical failure could come and world as we know it would cease to exist.
The big theories as I see it seam to be;
some sort of nuclear war,
economic/government collapse (or extreme governmental monitoring and loss of free though) and ensuing chaos,
climate change/natural disaster/loss of food security,
the singularity or AI taking over,
a super bug or medical catastrophe,
and lastly of course we could just be taken over by aliens.
I don't know if there is an official list or anyone has any to add but let me know.
I'm sure there are a lot of societal, technological or monetary things we are currently doing that will be crazy in future.
I'm not going to reiterate any of these theories above when it comes to other personal thoughts. I really do worry that many have a possibility of occurring and of course having something worth value to trade when it happens is part of the reason why I stack silver. In fact I strongly suggest this post that was just dropped by @tremendospercy who discusses this exact thing in detail. I do feel some sort of financial crisis is impending and this is the most likely threat in my mind.
I don't want to sound like a crazy stacker but I am also going to suggest that coming of the gold standard was the worst thing we ever did and has directly lead to some much of the debt crisis and uncontrolled inflation.
I really like the discussion that started from the last post and this is certainly something I like to think about and discuss.
Please keep the thoughts flowing in the comments and let your friend know to come and join in, maybe we'll even help change some opinions.
Banner by @bearone
The chemical cocktails they call vaccinations will probably be right up there with chemo-therapy. (that is if the entire world is not autistic by then).
I disagree here. I think anti-vaxers are idiots. But that's just me, and this discussion usually leads to all kinds of histrionics. But i'm sure glad we don't have all the terrible diseases we used to have to endure...
I know a lot of people are really opposed to vaccines, but I need to side with @thedamus here, hopefully without opening a huge can of worms.
I also believe Ritalin use on children is the new frontal lobotomy.
"We got the very narrow result we wanted, so we'll call the whole thing a success"
Yep, this^
Medicating kids for being hyperactive and, just being kids! Is a crime imo.
Totally with you on this one. There has got to be a better way, plus the classroom setting is so artificial anyways and why do we need kids to conform to that.
When my kids get frustrated and ask to stay home, I just explain that if I do that, policemen will come and take them away to live with different grownups, who will take them to school anyway.
They'll hate the state before they even start paying taxes.
Great post buddy and thanks for the shout out.
Big Pharma is an issue in that ongoing expensive treatments are more profitable than actual cures. Sadly many cures have potentially been overlooked or at worst buried to ensure continuing profits. As far as the economy goes I think I've made my feelings known and hope that folks do a bit of research in order to protect themselves from the economic armegeddon that is now baked into the cake.
Sadly history shows that TPTB tend to try and instigate a huge conflict to distract publics attention away from the dire economic misery. I hope this tactic fails in future however I have my doubts. The media are really ramping up the rhetoric regarding NK, China and Russia. I guess we'll see.
Yeah, the money that is pumped into pharma and health care, you gotta wonder if they always have the patients best interest.
I think in the future they're going to look back and laugh that we actually went to the doctor at all. And that in certain countries we paid physicians a small fortune for minor procedures.
Yeah, I could totally see this one happening as well.
That's why I don't want to be a politician.
Yeah, scary place to be...lol.
Good post, but apart from the fact that half those things certainly are already unfolding, I think you missed the real big one, staring us in the face.
Peak Oil isn't actually negated by what happened with the fracking shenanigans that went on, and is ongoing as a zombie.
But made worse by the same thing.
Check out some of those depletion rates.
Wait until the trucks stop running
Good point dude.
Yeah, had to look that one up, but totally coming down the line too.
Thanks for the beautiful post, really we don't know what really going to happen and what we are doing today.
Hey @phelimint. Thanks for the mention. Liked you analogy of the nuclear bomb. That's exactly right. Chemo and radiation aren't selective. They may do some harm to cancer cells but they also kill good healthy cells in the process. Kinda like using a shotgun versus a rifle.
Hopefully they continue with exploring all the biomarkers and targeted therapies, and all this will be a thing of the past.
Hey, @phelimint , is there something wrong with @silvergoldbotty ? I see that a lot of memebers post did not get voted on by the bot today? Is it down or is something wrong, need to kinda no before I send my 100 steem over.
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I think sitting there for hours waiting to see a Doctor will be a thing of the past. I think we will be getting advice and treatments from machines in the future, I think it is already happening now in some circumstances. cheers.
I bet alot could just be diagnosed with machine algorithms much more effective.
Maybe we will get those machines from the movie Elysium that cure any thing wrong with you in seconds! That or thermonuclear war in the next 50-100 years if not much sooner.
In all seriousness I think some of the biggest advances will come in or understanding of how the brain and mind work and how to treat/prevent cancer.
There's still got to be so much not understood about the brain and human mind.
It's kind of incredible how little we know about the brain.
In my pharmacology class I'm taking there are more than a few drugs that are described as "we're not completely sure how this works but we THINK it is because of xyz" kind of scary to think about haha.
I think the willful destruction of biodiversity to make a short term profit, in a hundred years the only other species that will exist will be those that are of use to the human race.
Yeah, this is a scary possibility too.