Walk this way - or not: The Importance to Spend Time for a Stroll

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

At 5 pm on a frosty evening​ in winter, I asked @myday to join me for walking in​ my Neighbourhood. It was the first time we stroll past silent footpath to the empty street by the waterside in the Sunset.

On a shivering cold winter evening, the notion of strolling for sheer pleasure is starting to emerge as strange and startling.

People have disconnected from walking for the sake of it because of laziness and apathy. Put it economically, attention has become a scarce and precious resource, as frustrating as it might be, we have to be canny with it. Or it would easily slip int​o time spend on our smartphones, technology etc.

I find it important to spend the ​time to go out for a stroll at the pace of a walker. It helps me to cleanse my mind, relax and connect with​ myself and people around me.

Human relationship means the world to me in a meaningful sense. And all that starts from a great relationship with the most important people in this world - myself.












@photooftheday thanks for a great afternoon! I thoroughly enjoyed exploring our little neighbourhood and I'm glad the photos turned out well. It's hard not to take a bad photo when you look so stunning! Thanks again for a wonderful afternoon and I'm looking forward to our weekend roadtrip. :)

Recommended Reading
myday #36 - Landscape + Travel Photography

What a nice place to walk! Many opportunities for picture taking! I found you from @myday and followed :)

Thanks for following @old-guy-photos :)

like you said, walking is critical for many reasons. keep moving forward! very nice article about staying in touch with the world and yourself. those photos are perfect emotional snapshots that capture the heart and mind. keep walking!

Thank you for the quality comment @seymourtoa - Take a big stride and walk the talk...Have a nice weekend :-)

definitely a good weekend for it. thanks for the reminder to publish one of my walking stories.

So true! We need to spend more time outside...
Carpe Diem!

Walking is one of my favorite ways to figure out what I'm thinking. It also during walks that my wife and I have the best discussions.

"Human relationship means the world to me in a meaningful sense."...
What a quot Dude...Won the heart..

Thanks wait to see more from u