How are you today?
I'm headache free for now, so I'm glad. The fire's burning in the wood stove, because there's not much sun today and it was getting a bit chilly inside. My lovely boyfriend got that sorted before I was even up!
I've got a bread going in the bread machine. I had this bread mix still lying around and figured it was about time I used it. I had previously opened it up accidentally, because I though it was oats, so I didn't want to keep it for much longer.
So, yesterday was a slow day! I did some steeming in the morning and shut down the pc after that. I watched Netflix. A lot of Netflix. I decided to try Designated Survivor, because it's supposed to be a good show. I enjoyed it so far. It's not really the sort of show I'd normally watch, but that's okay. I wanted to take it easy, so it was a nice way to pass the time.
In the evening, we played some Guild Wars 2! The Halloween event has started, so I wanted to do some farming. Turns out, there is this pet that I need. It's a shadow raven (link to it's GWwiki page) and it would fit my necromancer character perfectly! Not to mention the legendary staff I want to own one day. The problem is, it needs huge amounts of candy corn if I want to buy it. So now, I have to do a lot of this event, a lot of the time, to gather this amount of candy corn.
Oh well, guess I'll know what to do these next few weeks!
It's actually what I am planning to do today. I've done plenty of baking already these last two days, and today, I need to use other appliances like the bread maker. I also have to do laundry, so I'll give the baking a rest for today.
Yesterday, I made oatmeal cookies with raisins and dark chocolate. The recipe I found in one of the grocery store recipe books seemed easy and tasty. Turns out though, there wasn't enough liquid to really form cookies (that might be because I used vinegar/baking powder instead of an egg...), so I had to add some coconut oil and water. Anyway, they didn't call for chocolate either, but I'm sure that must have been a huge mistake on their part. I mean, ofcourse cookies need chocolate! Well mine did yesterday. They turned out really good and I just kept on eating them and the lemon bars all day long to make sure I had enough food to battle my headache. I guess it worked, because it didn't return.
Which reminds me, I do need to grab breakfast soon to avoid getting a new one. I think I've said about all I wanted to say anyway. Time for breakfast and then curating.
Have a good day!
P.S.: It's a good thing I copy/pasted this text before posting, because it didn't go through the first time. Could someone please explain to me what's wrong with Steemit lately? People say there's a DDoS, but if that's the case, I'm sure there's something someone can do about it, so why hasn't that happened? Or is there something else going on?
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O dear@playfulfoodie amazing routine U cooked very much last two days so u r tired thats why you are free today. no worries take rest today and keep on sharing your interesting routine. good good dear
Thank you very much for your kind comment @hamzayousaf! :-)
its my pleasure
Glad you don't have any headaches today :)
I've heard of GW2, sadly many gamers here in our country prefer to play mobile legends and Dota2.
The site do seem to have some intermittent issues since yesterday. Hope it will be sorted out soon. Happy midweek :)
Good a.m dear i can see your night was cool, praying for a better day ahead for you. The game you mention is one game i look forward playing, i will surely take a good look at it @playfuldoodie
Good morning! We'll have a few more nice days still and today, our home is warm :-)
It's a really nice game and the core game is free to play, so you can always try it!
Oww sorry ma'am, from your explanation i think you do have stressful day at times.
sorry for that
Yea, steemit had a ddos attack yesterday. Buh i don't know much about that but i'm glad it has been resolved.
Are you a game lover??
Yeah, Steemit has had quite a few of those problems lately :-(
I am a game lover indeed! I play a lot of games, it's really relaxing and fun for me!
very good post my friend..
good job..
i vote and resteem..
Aww thank you very much :-)
you are welcome my friend...