The sun is shining!
I waited a bit with turning on the pc this morning, because I wanted to give our wood stove the chance to start warming things up in here. It's still not all that warm on this side of the room, but oh well.
So yesterday during the day, I didn't feel too great. I basically spend the afternoon on the couch trying to get some energy. We had plans to visit my boyfriend's cousin, so I figured I had to save my energy a bit.
We went over there for dinner and boy was it good! He made some bread to put a nice chicken dish on and also had fresh green veggies, small potatoes and satay(?) sauce (peanut sauce).
After dinner, we got to check out the Microsoft Mixed Reality headset he had just gotten, which was pretty awesome! Last time we were there, he had the Holo lens for a while, which is an AR (Augmented Reality) headset. It basically placed extra virtual items and characters into the room. This time, the headset was VR (Virtual Reality) and it completely blocked the room we were in. Instead, we were walking around in a cliff house!
I will talk more about this in a seperate post. I didn't try it out for too long, because I was afraid the game would have too much movement and I had had too much to eat! After dinner, I got hot coco and we also got some chocolates.
I was going to try making lava cake today with actual eggs, but I think I should have a chocolate-less day today to make up for all the chocolate I had last night...
Next time, his cousin will come over for dinner at our place. Gotta thing up something nice to make after all the effort he put into last night's dinner!
Oh, I forgot! I did do something in the afternoon. I made a cake! I was craving cake for a couple of days now, so I finally made it with half of the ingredients changed (I did have eggs this time).It turned out pretty well, so I'll share the recipe later!
Have a good day!
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Wow i can see you enjoying yourself @playfulfoodie. I see you and your spouse are enjoying this ark game, anyway kudos. Changes is the only constant thing so making cake with half ingredient changed arent bad at all, the cool thing is at the end, the cake should taste as cake 😊😊😊😋😋
And that it did! Thanks @tfame3865 :D
Wow it's been long i saw that microsoft headset, apart from gaming can it be used for something else?Good morning @playfulfoodie
Sure! You can really make your own workspace in that cliff house for example, like putting your own desktop view on a wall, or showing your pictures. I think there will be plenty more uses for it, especially in the near future :-)
Wow that's great, i didn't know much about it, maybe someday i'll probably try it out.
Haha that looks really cool @playfulfoodie ! I Definitely need to try that out some day ! Its on my bucket list !! Haha , I never get a chance or can afford to do a lot of stuff , So my bucket list just keeps getting longer LOL!! I guess im just going to have to live longer ! 👍✌💕😂😂😂
Haha I know what you mean Karen! Stuff always gets in the way! I hope you get to try this out one day, it is really cool :D
Me too ! LOL! 😂👍✌
I only see comments that say awesome, cool, great posts, without even reading it..
Also, VR games are great great fun :P Anyway, @playfulfoodie, show us the pics of the cake and send some to us!
Yeaaaah you just have to skim over those and get to the good stuff like your comment :D
I'll show the cake pictures soon, definitely! Just have to write down the recipe and find a moment to post it, amongst all of the other things I still want to post :D
Cake sounds good! We went to my mom's today and had some of her Pumpkin Delight. It's so good. She prepared her own graham crust, and the pumpkin is mixed with egg whites. This time she used the redder squashier kind of pumpkin, which I didn't even know existed haha Its was so good. I was so full. It was fun.
Oh my gosh, that sounds good! My mum introduced me to pumpkin one time. She made pumpkin cake and later pumpkin soup. They were both soooo good :D
Pumpkin soup is so delicious :p yes, I like pumpkin and squash in all its cooked forms.
Yes, I became a big fan too! I actually ordered a salad with pumpkin in it for dinner tonight. I wonder what that will taste like :-)
We ordered groceries for the first time! All my boyfriend has to do is drive to the store after work and pick up the pre-packed groceries :D
Oh cool. You'll let me know if it was good :p
That's awesome. I haven't tried any AR/VR stuff minus playing around with Samsungs VR for about 30 minutes once. Once my son is a little older looking forward to "borrowing" his toys.
Haha, that sounds like a great plan! :D
Awesome post
great post i just resteem your post