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RE: deleted

in #blog5 years ago

I think to some extent we've all been sheeple. Some of us still are in many ways. It's a far gulf between knowing you're ignorant and no longer being ignorant. I sometimes wonder how many generations they have practiced their scripts from a level of knowledge that is unfathomable to the average person. We already know that they have spent thousands of years building and discarding their empires as they collect (loot) the treasures, both physical and mental, from those unfortunate enough to be in their path. I used to fantasize about having free roam of the Vatican library, wondering what fantastic knowledge from the past they have hidden from the rest of us. Of course, they fund a lot of (immoral) research to this day using our tax sweat to pay for it, often using us as guinea pigs as well.

The only solution I can see possible would be one where people care enough for others that it would dispel the handicap of ignorance.

