Rigged Elections Using Obvious Scripts

in #blog5 years ago (edited)

I remember when Obama was running for president. Amazed by so many absurd claims by the media. The one that stuck with me most was the attack on Sarah Palin not having the experience if McCain was to have health issues. I was more shocked when I would hear friends of mine on the left parrot this line. Never mind that of the two presidential candidates and Biden as her opponent for VP, she was the only one with any executive experience. Never mind that the presidential candidate for the Democrats had a partial term as Senator as his resume.

The only thing I found odder than that was the fact the GOP rammed perhaps the most liberal candidate from their side, one who seemed to the left of many in the Democrat party.

Enter round two. The main knock against Obama at the end of his first term was Obamacare. So what do the Republicans do? They ram Romney on the platform. The guy who in many ways shaped Obamacare with his Massachusetts Romney care.

Leading us all up to Trump against Clinton. Picking perhaps one of the most hated names in politics to run against him. The media ramping up its often absurd attack campaigns that begged rational folks to start listening to the slogan Fake News, it seemed to me then (and now) designed to make those who hate establishment and lying media to side with Trump so they could feel they struck back at all the lying assholes in Washington and the media.

Never in my life have I witnessed such outright lunacy from the media as I have in the last four years. Bombarded with such slanderous stories designed to paint Trump in such a bad light one would reckon Satan would defer his throne in hell to Trump as his successor.

During this campaign of ludicrous headlines, ignoring so much corruption from BOTH SIDES OF THE FALSE POLITICAL spectrum, the corruption glares out to all of us. Setting the stage yet again for aligning with the man who has been scripted to be the champion for safety and common sense.

Now We Have Trump Against Biden

We see here yet another selection designed to ensure that Trump will get his second term. Out of all the candidates the Democrats could pick, they choose a man who has a lifetime record of coming off as a pervert as well as saying some racially questionable things.

Remember when he made the comment on how surprising it was that Obama was the FIRST clean and articulate?

I could go on about the vast shortcomings of this man (his penchant for touching others children) racist stuff, his record in general, but there’s literally so much out there you can easily find it if you CARE TO LOOK.

Abolish The Police, But Don’t Defend Yourself If A Mob Shows Up To Attack You And Destroy Your Property Or You’re A Racist

Now the media is stirring up a lot of anti-white sentiment, using terminology that is praising violence by mobs against white people and institutions. Calling for dismantling police departments while calling violent mobs peaceful protesters. Calling any who choose to defend themselves as out of control racists. We saw that here when they tried to allege this couple defending their home from a mob of people who broke through their gate were dangerous. The prosecutor there talking of charging them for the crime of defending themselves.

The sheer lunacy of this narrative is astounding. No one in their right mind is going to allow their property to be destroyed, to allow themselves and their loved ones to be victims of violence to satisfy some insane narrative pretending crimes of others must be paid by those who weren’t the perpetrators.

I find it telling (as do any rational people) that as soon as they were marching towards the mayors house that all of a sudden police are good by the same folks at the top suggesting they are bad. Notice that many of these left wing folks at the top calling for the dismantling of police have the means to fund their own protection, often with tax payer dollars. They will have their protection, but screw you if you’re poor. Screw you if you dare to stand up for yourself.

If Democrats think the majority of Americans will stand for this, they’re as deluded as they appear to be from many of their soundbites. Frankly, I find what the media and many on the left at the top are doing to be treason against THE AVERAGE PERSON WHO IS WE THE PEOPLE.

How dare you spend all this energy and money trying to incite violence against those of us you pretend to represent. I knew years ago I could never in good conscious vote Democrat because of all the anti white narrative hate being spewed from your party. To be fair, for other reasons I haven’t found much reason to vote Republican either, although the Democrat platform seems designed to push the average white male to do just that.

Ironically, despite all the pandering and identity politics the left has done over the years, Democrats for some reason have pushed some of the strictest laws in the nation affecting those groups they are stirring up now. Remember this bill sponsored by Biden years ago, during the Clinton regime?

I laugh if I picture the response from media if Trump had given this speech.

At This Point, Most Of You In The Media And Political Spectrum Have Definitely Crossed The Line Into Treason Against The American Public

The push for a civil war from all of you named above has not went unnoticed. More people are waking up as you insist the agitation you stir will leave no corner (except yours) unmolested. I’m hopeful that if you continue your many acts of sedition that if the war explodes as we see more of these mobs being whipped up and directed by you, that you will find yourselves with your own groups of “peaceful” mobs” showing up in your areas. I wish that mob from the video of the couple who stood up to them had focused solely on getting to the mayors mansion.

It’s long past time you feel the repercussions of what you devise and unleash on the masses who simply want peace and security to live and watch loved ones live. You daily are revealing yourselves to be traitors. Revealing the scripts you push, as they are so numerous and contradictory in word from action.

It does indeed appear the election is rigged yet again, to push many to vote for Trump again. You leave no angle untarnished on the absolute violent mayhem any other choice would lead us to. You’ll get away with it again, no doubt. But more and more of us can see what you’re doing. Can see that when this is all over, Trump will be re-elected, and even more draconian laws forced upon us to combat this outlawness you foist upon us.

More of us see you, and understand you’re the real enemy. Not the mobs you have created with your narratives of hate. We’re under no illusion justice will be coming from the various law enforcement agencies, nor the courts. They are all owned by those of you who seek to squeeze and abuse us more with each passing day.

I dream of a day when many WILL SEE that these rigged elections are making it all worse, and no one will participate in them. Your power and corrupt rule will be ignored as little more than the hateful power grabs that they are.