In the midst of the divisiveness being manufactured to separate the cattle, the push to strip any semblance of privacy continues. The latest push being to outlaw encryption from allowing any escape from government documenting/intrusion.
The masters on the plantations known as countries have the cattle stirred up against false enemies while they continue to trot out their evil schemes in front of us.
The left at war on their battlegrounds of identity politics, the right against the threat of communism/socialism that they believe the root cause of all that ails humanity. Meanwhile, the actual acts of sedition that are visible meet little resistance as everyone's energy is directed against vague enemies that can’t be defeated.
Under the proposed act, introduced by those stellar warriors against socialism on the right, Lyndsay Graham, Tom Cotton and Marsha Blackburn would force all tech companies to put backdoor unencryption in all of their products. Supposedly to only be utilized if a search warrant is issued.
This raises many questions and concerns in light of the conduct of all levels of government and their enforcers. The vast amount of people railroaded into their slavery prison systems, many framed as well by labs that falsify evidence. Prosecutors withholding evidence that would have exonerated. I’ve written on this before.
Of course, we also have the mass theft taking place for years by law enforcement utilizing asset forfeiture laws to steal assets from innocent citizens with no charges ever being made.
And it’s no secret the CIA is the largest dealer of drugs worldwide. They need to fund all of those secret projects that more often than not are actual crimes against humanity. In the name of freedom and all.
Given the abuses being perpetuated upon us by enforcers for the masters of the countries, every push they make to document our every move should invoke a terror in all of us. They have along history of showing there are no rights when they decide they aren’t convenient to their goals.
The above saying is said a lot in the crypto world. Hackers constantly on the search for keys to quickly steal what they can. Many of them probably working for the government in some capacity to help fund their crimes against humanity projects. And despite the misperception that the government is a group of bumbling idiots, they are anything but when it comes to their real interests. They only seem to falter if it benefits the normal folks (the cattle).
I remember a couple years ago in my research I was shocked to discover that the largest wallet holding for Bitcoin was owned by the FBI at that time.
The above articles are from 2013, seven years ago.
They learned how lucrative auctioning them off can be, and we all know once they find a revenue scheme they are reluctant to not grow it.
None of which even addresses how much is being stolen in the shadows by the shadow programs in the government.
Imagine no device or method you could employ would leave your crypto assets safe from not just the government theft, but other hackers who will surely quickly figure these backdoors out and help themselves. ID theft grows annually as we continue to be forced into apps and online interactions. This bill will be the icing on the cake for ruining any little privacy that is left.
Despite the demands there be no action a citizen can make that is not to be recorded, watched and analyzed, these evil masters seem to demand as much privacy as they can get. Shadow areas for them to implement their new schemes to steal our sweat, our dignity and humanity. Seems to me the areas in most need of these transparency zones are the ones those pushing bills like this operate in.
From insider trading, illegal schemes that would throw most people in prison such as drug and human trafficking. Outlawing basic human needs from being self realized as they outlaw not being dependent on their financial backers for solutions that often are little more than addressing symptoms while exasperating the problems.
We need to put aside the identity politics, put aside the outlandish conspiracy theories and focus on shit like this that surely hurts every single one of us, whether you are a (insert race) supremacist, a vaccer or anti-vaccer, left or right, capitalist or socialist. All these fights over shit that won’t be changed is detracting from focusing on shit like this that they ram down our throats every single year.
If this bill becomes law, it will not respect your position on any of the above created battlegrounds. It will be no respecter of person, equally screwing every single one of us. And that's a conspiracy they aren’t hiding, doesn’t need any speculation or rumors about the shape of the earth, or if high ranking people are slaughtering children in bathtubs and turning into Dracula's minions drinking it for youth. This is very real, and passing us all by as we argue over shit we just can’t pin down.
If we will just focus for now at least on these very real threats to all of us regardless of differences, we can always return to arguing over stupid unprovable shit and baseless allegations at a future date down the road once we have weeded out being made criminals by those who monopolize it all.
Power is dangerous in the hands of the corrupted
Indeed it is. It seems that most who achieve power (based on my studies of history) quickly succumb to bribes from those who would use their positions to profit and harm the majority under those positions of power. It seems to grow until it seems to reach such a level of entrenchment it shuts out those who would use such positions to slow down and stop their schemes. Finally the masses have enough, blood spills (on a lot of innocents sadly) and things change temporarily as these schemers regroup and begin exploring for more cracks.
Give a man power and he will reveal his character. This will be available for as long as humans will live on Earth. Power can corrupt a weak character. We see it daily with average people. A slight feeling of superiority from somebody towards the other and bam... The games begin. No wonder politics reflect the masses. Not even average Joe can be nice when being more in power... It will take a lot of crash and burn for society to create a new prototype of human. A human who will perceive power as it trully is: an extension of the will of the masses for the common well being. An instrument of good not of greed. A forever shifting element which belongs to all and to no one. The progress of the mind in the spirit of collective good is the hardest to achieve.
Yep, and that is a very scary propositon.
Indeed it is. People better set aside their talking point brainwashing and open their eyes to who is the problem. They have us all looking at one another with anger and fear while they work together up top to erode us of as much of our sweat and rights as they can. Doesn't matter the party, they are all working together on this stuff.