Soon the art and illustration will form only another part of the content of my blog. After an inactive time (for reasons that I will explain in a future post), the time has come not only to take the reins but to do well and with a good range of new content.
I'm an fan of manga/anime (that part of Japanese culture as such, I'm not a fan of the American equivalent) but not those who love SAO or are addicted to Boku no hero (although I do, however simple the anime characters fill that void) or in the way of an ¨*Otaku new age*. I am just someone who was born and grew up at the right time to become a manga / anime fan, the 90s !! that golden era of the anime, the decade that has in its possession the largest collection of anime gems and just when they became such a phenomenon that many of these anime were brought and voiceover for the Latin American public, so do not blame me for turning me into this LOL.
To feel that I can take advantage of all those years of vice I decided to start with this section of review of mangas (mainly) recommending and speaking a little of them for those curious who are looking for something to read or watch.
So do not expect to see the same recommendations you'll find in 8 out of 10 I'll go deep for you!
Here I drop out some of the mangas that I planning to do a review
Wow... I wanna see your review for "Welcome to NHK"... and by the way I was born in the golden age of anime too.... the 90s!!
Thanks! I'm working on doing a decent review of NHK(my fav manga btw)
Smugvoted, ~desu~
:3 arigathanks
I like it , would love to Manga Lovers success each day. I am following you and love see your success, Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for reading!! ;)