I would not have figured you to be a coder from meeting you but that just shows how dynamic you are!
I certainly am not interested in doing what would need to be done learning all that stuff but I sure would like to "just know" hahahaha and certainly am aware of just how valuable it is, and only is more so every day in this computer fueled world.
If you really like it and are interested in it then I feel this is a very wise investment and will allow you to do some really cool things.
Wishing you the best on your journey. Share about it here on Steem I am sure it will get some good support!
I love that is this life we can choose to dramatically change your life's course to try out a new life path, it's beautiful. I would never have thought I could or would be a coder either! But I truly believe in this blockchain movement and its chance to change and help heal the world. I have to jump at that opportunity to be a part of building the future with the betterment of the world in mind. It is so exciting! I can not wait to code on the blockchain. I am so happy to hear from you, sending lots of love.
Awesome indeed!
Oh the lives Steem has already change and will continue to do! In fact thats the only reason we know each other!
Great to see you, I think of you often I just am so busy don't check in on a lot of stuff going on here just happened to see this in my feed and took advantage of the moment to connect!
Oh I mentioned you in my Milestone post.