in #blog7 years ago

Hey anyone that may read this. I won't get into my life story because people don't want to hear that shit but in case you ever do you can ask to speak personally. I am currently in alot of trouble with det and im currently struggling to get by. Long story short I fucked over alot of creditcards, bank account, cellphone contracts and loaning agents due to a very long drug addiction. I currently been on methadone for 4 years but slipped up a few times in between. It's been almost a year now that I have been sober. I just turned 25 years old in April and am currently living back at my mother's. I have a 4 year old child and a girlfriend of 9 years and that makes it so much harder for me. I completely destoryed my life and the way life is going when it comes to credit I am never ever going to have shit. I was wondering if anybody on here with enough bank in crypto wants to help a fellow out, like I said I don't mind one on one with people that want to give me a chance. I'll video chat and talk for a few weeks until we get to know eachother well. Once you hear my storys you will know this ain't my joke. I need help and because of my child and hopefully soon to be wife I have to do anything that comes to mind. I been looking around for loaning crypto sites but I need some sore of collateral I believe. I have 103 EOS the I bought when I moved back to my mothers. The market was going down and I thought EOS is a good investment. Either way I am able to afford to lose it because it wasn't anything that would help me at the time anyways. Someday it might so I made that risk but for now my worry is trying to find a friend that understands my situation or a site I don't know about that can help!

Thank you!