Outrage? I Wish For Real Outrage Over Yemen

in #blog7 years ago

I find it weird that there is this outrage in the media, as though everyone in America is outraged, over kids being separated from their parents, when crossing the boarder, yet there is no outrage, and radio silence when the US and it’s Ally Saudi Arabia starve an entire nation to death in Yemen, including children.

This policy of separation of children from illegals crossing the boarder is definitely wrong, but it’s gone on for years without a peep from anyone, including in other POTUS administrations. The last few weeks it’s all you’ve heard though, and it seems like it’s not genuine outrage, it’s just people who are trying to stir the pot.

Please don’t get me wrong though, if the US government is doing something wrong it needs to be called out and stopped. So it’s a good thing that there is outrage over this. The politicians and news agencies just love to use these issues to divide though. They just want to use this issue to stir up the pot, create more strife among people, and gain ratings for their news outlet, or gain donations to their campaign. They don’t care about the kids. If they did, they’d be plastering starving kids in Yemen all over the TV screens, and bombed Schools, and Weddings perpetrated by the Saudi led Coalition of the United States and the Saudi government.

I just don’t see that happening, so maybe I’ll post a few here.


Very good article, and you are SO RIGHT to call out the duplicity of U.S. liberals who are just fine with allowing the neocons to kill all these innocent children with impunity all over the Middle East, but outraged that CRIMINALS would be separated from their children for committing a crime.

I completely agree. The vast majority of the outrage you see on TV or from politicians is just a charade. It’s all to catch people’s attention and manufacture a controversy that doesn’t really exist.

Isn’t it always just for ratings? Manufacturing controversy is great for ratings. You are also investing for the future by creating division among groups, because your division creates loyalty to your brand. Hence MSNBC and FOXNEWS have very loyal followers.