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RE: Lady Nips

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Thank you so much for your kind reply. I'm glad you understand what I meant and that I am with you here completely. Plus I think it is important to be passionate about your beliefs!

Haha.. "geil", that's funny. I remember, when my dad got real angry when I used it once as a 12 year old.

Not sure if spanking is so widely spread as a rule here... guess, like everything else its a matter of taste (?) /preference? Plus I guess it depends on how you "play".

For me it isn't a problem, if someone likes something which I don't care for so much. In the US we did hang out a lot with the gay/lesbian community. They were all just coming out at the time. Was alright with me, as long as the guys didn't want to convince me of anything 😋 But when I say I'm straight, I say that without value attached. Its just the way it is.

Oh yes, please.. you have to post a photo of you with your fabulous high heels on! Interesting "coincidence" , that the first photo I saw of you here was with high heels on, remember?