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RE: Weekend Drama (Arrests were made)

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Well I don't blame you for not wanting to get involved. You could get forced to testify as a witness in small claims court. It's very unlikely, but you got to understand the cops perspective. They think, here's a guy trying to make a buck on social media, but didn't take 5 minutes to talk to us. Personally I would make a phone call, and tell them everything you saw. At least it could help the defendant get money for her car, and a restraining order, if the person is unstable.

It probably has to do with some breakup. A girl can get hostile, when another girl takes her man. Maybe she stole something from her as well. There's a small risk is you report it, but you might feel good about it. I think it's the right thing to do.


Well for one the guy whose car it was technically saw it happen too and I’m pretty sure he called the police. I don’t think I would have much to add. Plus I’m pretty sure they were arresting the people involved as I was leaving. The mall also has security cameras.

I did look it up btw and it is not required by law to report what I saw. There are certain cases where it is (like child abuse) but the type of crime in this scenario is not one of those types.

I totally respect your decisions to stay out of it. In this day and age, you can never be too careful. I was in a slightly similar situation, and the police wanted to talk to me, because I thought I was helping a friend. They asked me for details, but I politly requested to refrain from giving certain details.

The cop told me I was obstructing justice, and I said I would like to help you, but I don't want my friends ex not getting a job for the next 5 years, because of a criminal record. I told the cop, I've seen a good friend of mine struggle with employment in his field, because of one mistake. The cop looked at me, and said you're a person with integrity, don't worry about my request.

If I were asked any info from a cop, I would have provided everything I knew. I think that is a slightly different situation though than needing to volunteer it without them asking.