I actually did lead extra prep-classes for the finals for any student that was taking assembly level programming.... And I knew the types of questions that would be on the exam....But it was open and free for all students. I held it in a lecture center and over 120 students showed up... The main class from the Prof had close to 400 students and my classes were 20 people. There were 12 T.A.s for Prof.
I'm happy to say my particular students had the highest average of all the classes on the Midterm and Final. Yet I was asked not be a T.A. for that class the next semester because of 1 student who complained on the survey at the end of class... He was the one person who never did his work and did not show up for the weekly quiz I used to give out, And then he got a C on the Finals and wanted to change his grade because he thought it was unfair that he didn't get credits for quizzes he missed. That was my first experience with Trolls....LOL