Dark circles under the eyes are also commonly called the panda eyes can make the face look dull and tired. Panda eyes can usually be covered or disguised with makeup like foundation and concealer.
But for panda eyes that are not permanent, can be eliminated or slightly faded with a healthy lifestyle. Know the five causes of the emergence of panda eyes and how to overcome them, as quoted from Pop Sugar.
Heredity is one of the main causes of dark circles under the eyes. If parents and grandparents have panda eyes then you are most likely to get them from previous descendants.
Dr. Dermatologist. Sonia Batra explains, "Darker or more olive-colored skin, such as those from the Mediterranean or the Middle East, can have higher levels of pigment (melanin) under the eyes, resulting in darker discoloration."
Panda eyes because of heredity is difficult to remove. In order not to get black you can use eye cream containing caffeine and live a healthy lifestyle, such as enough sleep.
Bedtime Clock
Cluttered and unsuitable bedtime hours can also result in dark areas of the eye. Too much sleep can also cause panda eyes. Not only that, the wrong sleeping position can cause panda eyes, such as sleeping on the stomach that presses the abdomen and face.
Unhealthy Lifestyle
Although the eyes of the panda can be covered by using concealer, but if you have the original eye without dark circles under it of course much better. For that required a healthy lifestyle, such as drinking water at least eight glasses every day, diligent exercise and also consume lots of foods containing vitamin K. In addition, avoid smoking and sleep quite a minimum of seven hours a day.
Allergies that arise in the eyes can make the circle in the eyes become darker. Like allergies on pollen, grass, and dandruff. This can clog the blood vessels around the eyes and cause a bluish or swollen color. If you experience this then can treat it with allergy drugs sold in pharmacies or by using a moisturizer. Because moisturizers can soothe swollen blood vessels.
Cleaning Excessive Face
Too often clean the face can also trigger the emergence of panda eyes. Especially if you rub your eyes too tight to remove eye makeup. Rough movements in the area of the eyes whose skin tends to thin can damage the fine blood vessels around the eyes. Use a product that can completely remove makeup in one sweep so you do not have to rub it repeatedly.
Good post
Thankyou brother, nice to meey you
me too bro.