In order to Healthy Benefits Pineapple Not Missing, Here's How to Best Consume

in #blog7 years ago


Pineapple is famous as a tropical fruit with a sweet and fresh taste. No wonder if the more creative fans to process pineapple fruit, so as not to get bored mengonsumsinya. But apparently consume pineapple should not be artificial so that benefits obtained from pineapple remain optimal. How best to consume pineapple?

"The main medical ingredient in pineapple is the content of proteolytic enzymes called bromelain enzymes, which are very sensitive to temperature, so if the auto-cooking / enzyme is destroyed, that's why we recommend fresh pineapple juice to be optimal," Tutun Nugraha, PhD., Director of CHMI Center (Comprehensive Herbal Medicine Institute), Surya University, Indonesia. This he conveyed when livechat held detikforum in office AFP, Jl Warung Jati West Raya 75, Jakarta, Thursday (21/11/2013).

The medical effects of the enzyme bromealin in this pineapple fruit, Tutun added, is to cure inflammation (inflammation) and swelling due to accumulation of body fluids (edema). Bromelain enzymes are also capable of accelerating wound healing such as wound after surgery and skin burns. But you should be careful if you want to get the optimal benefits of this enzyme. Even when making pineapple juice, there are some things that still have to be considered.

"Adding ice will be good, because it reduces the impact of a tight temperature rise during blending," said Tutun.

Tutun also said it would be better if the pineapple is consumed directly. If you do not like the sour taste, Tutun suggested to add sugar so it tastes sweeter. But he does not suggest adding sweetness to honey. According to him the content of honey is quite complex, and he does not know if there is a chemical reaction between components of honey with enzymes that may be able to neutralize enzyme activity.

"As an added note, processed pineapples like cans, bottled drinks, are also very unlikely to contain these enzymes, so looking for enzymes for health should be fresh," Tutun said.


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