Yeah, I spent far too long in that conspiracy theory camp, I am not proud to say.
Re: "economic collapse..." I'd bet that were such to happen, a lot of us probably wouldn't even know if we were to avoid the news. The conspiracy theorists paint it out as though all hell would break loose, but remember the 2008 crises? I don't. Life just went on as usual. Those who made some poor choices reaped what they sowed. But it's not like ALL things in the world will come to a halt and everything will be chaos. Doubtful. If there is some "elite" wielding next-to-Godly power over economic matters, it would really be in their best interest to sustain operations as they are rather than destroy everything in attempts to establish some new protocol that 8 billion people going about their business as usual are going to be forced to adapt to. "They" are not that stupid. The conspiracy theorists project all evil onto them, but fail to acknowledge the least bit of intelligence they actually have to be in the positions they are, while simultaneously thinking they are so advanced in their capabilities to pull off such diabolical plans that are ridiculously impossible.
The more I look at it logically, none of it makes any sense. Makes for good laughs though, once can snap out and observe objectively...
I think all hell could break loose at some point, but not necessarily due to economic reasons. I didn't feel the 2007-08 'crisis' at all either. But really the "debt can", just got kicked a little further down the road... And this will have repercussions! Fortunately, thanks to things like Bitcoin, Steemit, silver, gold, and various blockchain tech, etc., these might/should be reduced. History may rhyme, but it doesn't always have to repeat itself. Previous economic collapses never had the Internet and/or bitcoin(steemit)! The SMARTEST thing the elite can do is go along with the 'change' and try another approach to keeping 'Them' (maybe..not Us) enslaved.