The richest country in the world

in #blog7 years ago

From various international financial institutions, such as World Bank (Wordl Bank), IMF (International Monetary Fund). The agency has conducted analysis and research on GDP per capita in all countries of the world.

After the analysis and research, finally the results of the report out and directly published by the IMF and World Bank. Here's a list of the richest countries for 2016 and as an illustration in 2017.

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  • Qatar (US $ 129,726)

Qatar is a country in the Middle East. To be more precisely located in the Arabian Peninsula, south of the border with Saudi Arabia and the rest is limited to the Persian Gulf.


In the 19th century, the economy of the population of Qatar ran on the fishing and pearl industries. However, then the industry went bankrupt and had to go out of business in the 1930s.

This is because the fish industry and pearls of the population of Qatar gets rivals from Japan. This Japanese country can bombard the market price of fish and pearls. And they succeeded in developing and cultivating pearls.

But after the country suffered great losses, the 1940s rose and there was an economic transformation. This happens when the country of Qatar found abundant petroleum reserves.

Until now, Qatar is still one of the largest oil exporters in the world. Last year 2016, the country managed to earn a national income of more than 165 billion dollars, this data is taken from the World Bank report.

However, in the October 2016 IMF report, Qatar's national income amounted to 129,726. With the amount of segitu can be estimated that every resident of the country per year earn about 1.7 billion rupiah or approximately 150 million / month.

  • Luxemburg (US $ 101,936)

The order of the list of the richest countries in the next world is Luxemburg. In the previous year, the country was the world's richest number one. But in 2016 shifted by the country of Qatar.


Although a small country with an area of ​​approximately 2586 sq km. The country of Luxemburg has a fairly high national income, annual GDP revenues of more than $ 1 billion.

The country that has the official name Keharyapatihan Luxemburg surrounded by three developed countries, namely Germany, France, and Belgium. This makes it rich in the economic side, also rich in culture.

This is evidenced from the use of three official languages ​​namely, Germany, France, Luxemburg. The country of Luxemburg has a low rate of inflation and unemployment. Because the country's population works in industries, such as steel, rubber, and so on.

The average income of the population every year is 1.3 billion or about 110 million rupiah per month.

  • Singapore (US $ 87,082)

The sequence of the world's next richest country is Singapore. This country is located in the ASEAN region, precisely in Southeast Asia that entered in the rich country zone. Singapore has an area of ​​not more than 716 sq km (smaller island of Bali).


The region is populated with a population of about 5.5 million people. With its strategic location, making this country one of the most densely populated transit areas in the world. The source of wealth gained by the state of Singapore comes from the division of services, chemical industry, and several other divisions.

Singapore's country ranking data is the highest compared to Asian countries. It is calculated in infrastructure growth, worker recruitment, and social indications.

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National income reported in 2016, Singapore has GDP reaching the level of USD 87,082 (IDR 1.13 billion).

  • Brunei Darussalam (US $ 79,710)

The sequence of the world's richest country is Brunei Darussalam. Besides Singapore, a small country in Southeast Asia that belongs to prosperous country is Brunei Darussalam. The source of the state's wealth is derived from the export of crude oil and natural gas.


Natural gas and crude oil are the largest contributors to Brunei Darussalam's revenue since 80 years ago until now. The country that has the nickname of thousands of Bandar Sri Begawan city is listed as one of the largest exporters of liquefied natural gas in the world.

With high incomes, their economy can not be separated from the diverse internal and external companies. It is also supported by a strong government.

It is worth it if the country that has an area of ​​5,765 sq km, has a national income per year 79,710 US $ or more than 1.03 billion rupiah.

  • Kuwait (US $ 71,263)

The sequence of the world's richest country is Kuwait. The Muslim country of Kuwait is reported to have a per capita national income of $ 71,263 in 2016. The monarch's source of wealth comes mainly from crude oil export exports.


The export reached 10% or about 104 million barrels. Apart from crude oil reserves, the country has a financial services sector. Country wearing this form of dinar has a good and quality banking system.

This is evidenced by the existence of a Bank that stands in the country of Kuwait namely The National Bank of Kuwait. The bank is the largest bank in the Arab world.


Nice information @rudiefendi. Where does India rank in this list?

I don't now

Hey @autovotebot. Thanks for replying.