Lembaga riset asal London The Legatum Institute kembali merilis laporan tahunan Global Prosperity Index. Laporan tersebut memperlihatkan tingkat kesejahteraan dari 149 negara di dunia.
Selain faktor kesejahteraan, faktor keamanan juga menjadi bahan pertimbangan dalam riset ini. Beberapa negara mampu memiliki tingkat keamanan paling baik apabila dibandingkan dengan negara lain di dunia.
- Norway

Norway has excellent security value. No wonder the Scandinavian country is able to enter the top 10 list each year.
- Denmark

Ranking five is occupied by Denmark. This one country rose two ranks when compared to last year's report.
- Iceland

Despite being close to the north pole, Iceland is one of the most reliable countries in terms of security. Last year, Iceland was ranked second.

Significant improvement can be done by Sakura State. Japan climbed 19th place since last year ranked 22nd.
- Luxembourg

The second rank is occupied by Luxembourg. The country managed to become the safest country in Europe.
- Singapore

The country in Southeast Asia is able to climb 12 ratings since last year. Despite having high security, the country has a not-so-good personal freedom.