Thank you for taking the time to write this dearest @kristyyd . I believe that unconditional love examples start from very early on in one's family. I write about this here
I believe education and unconditional love from one's family plays the most important role in how we see and act out in the world. Maybe we cannot influence everything, but if we spread love, acceptance and unconditional support in our own families, we can spread the message of love in the Universe.
Thank you for reading & I'll be happy to look at yours! The more we spread the message the better ☺️
Thank you for taking the time to read my post Krista! I see you also are a mother of twins as I am a bigger sister of twins!! My sisters are non identical and have quite different aptitudes and personality type! I am happy to have found you here <3 Love, Ruxandra
Yea I am :) mommy of boy and a girl age 8 - but you have sibling twins?? So cute!