Oof that was mildly confusing XD I was going to ask if you used a random word generator and I did eventually pick it out of the gobbledygook.
I don't know about now but what it's been like previously is that if you were new, people would generally read everything you post (assuming you're able to pop up on the radar) and if they thoroughly enjoy your work, you may end up on autovote (mentally auto or actually auto because by that stage people are upvoting the person rather than the content) and then you can either get away with murder or feel the pressure to make sure you keep producing stuff that's up to scratch XD
Some people might just blindly vote but I think there are quite a few that do actually look in properly/read but they don't know what to say/commenting is hard work in general so they just upvote and run. I had to drop a policy on my own head of only upvoting if I was going to leave a comment (which of course requires staring at everything that's in the post) otherwise I'd never have any mana.
There are some exceptions made like if it's late at night and I should be going to bed but I haven't gotten to the end of my feed which I like doing at a hive minimum in which case I won't leave a comment, but will still only upvote things I would have left a comment on if I wasn't supposed to be asleep at that point XD