(1) Create a tepository/compendium of the large variety of locally adapted knowledge products developed and successfhlly used across our country. A weIl-defined hamework of science
communication including information support and education attributes can embed these as case examples. It will help highlight skills communicators at the local level are endowed with. Opportunities to further strengthen these skills can be part of integrated human and institutional development mechanisms t‘o sustain acmon at the local level. It is likely many initiatives are hand hel by scientists/communication specialists from the stated institutions to enhance local relevance,. ..
An immediate focus can be on the support provided to formal Curricula through non-formal teach and learn augments. It is well-known that a large number ofteachers across the country inspire and help learn through their innovative approaches. It is important to document these ‘Ounique abilities on high priority.
Several development oriented community initiatives on water, soil, energy bio resources management and
livelihood options have succeeded through well-defined
communication. These are as
important as the above stated and have to be documented
systematically. These are just two of a large number thrusts
(2) Create a robust Community of S 8: T_Communimtors (COSMOS), supported by an understanding of the specific skills and heuristics responsible for the sum of innovativq communication approacha and outputs; delivered by members of such a COSMOS. Two related important public policy benefits will emerge from this consolidation.
' Skills at the local level can be harnessed to deliver missionspecific messages in a timely manner.
0These skills can be used to strengthen strategically important bottom-up reality checks on the forms and functions of IEC (information, education and communication) strategies. These are especially important when awareness and information support are forerunners to enable well informed action; especially pcrmining to alternatives.