It depends on which authority you are in in the UK. The UK government's EHEGLA [Elective Home Education Guidelines for Local Authorities] is pretty sound. It's just a problem getting local authorities to keep to it when writing their policy documents and then keep to it in every day contacts with home educators. I just spent 2.5 years reeducating Staffordshire County Council and we finally have policies in place that protect and support home educators/home educated in Staffs. We've also worked to present workshops to all council staff who are likely to have contact with home ed families and those thinking of home educating. They REALLY needed re-educating! But they were willing.
Staffordshire would be a pretty positive place to home educate right now.
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We had two advantages in Staffordshire.
It's taken a whole lot of discussing, rewriting and tweaking but finally people are starting to relax in Staffordshire and the EHE team can begin to do some actual supporting ... which in truth they couldn't do when they mistook their job for policing!
I also believe it is possible for children to be removed from parents for unreasonable causes. Frequently people don't know the bounds of their own blasted jobs I have noticed. They don't understand their roles or the law often.
It's great to see someone who's doing real work in situ, @sallylloyd and I'm not an expert. All the same, many millions of us (perhaps that 13% in the UK who believe in some kind of shadow government - see Yougov stats) are listening to interviews like this in which a baby has been torn out of her father's arms and ended up who-knows-where in care having who-know-what done to her. Millions feel that this is a matter of extreme concern. Please take time out to listen to this:
Thanks, @sallylloyd It's great to hear someone doing good work on the inside but I had to post the Richie Allen interview to listen to if you've time. I've no idea about the current situation or how Staffs is but there are countless examples - look up Samantha Baldwin and Vicky Haigh. According to YouGov, a massive 13% of the UK agrees that some kind of shadow government has taken over the world. These are not crazy people - they are simply realising what has gone on. Soc Services are now in some areas an agent of a tyrannous state.
Scary stuff :-(