On this blog, i would like to share with you a technique i have benefited from. This video really did resonate with me and i figured i could share with you guys.
It is the idea of law of attraction.
In this video Aaron Doughty discussed how you can sleep and condition your mind on what to attract and then have it manifest in your reality.
This is a bit similar to what I do with EFT. I had trouble attracting money so I tapped about it and did an exercise of releasing and breathing out fear related to it, an unwillingness to let go, guilt, etc. I also did a few other exercises.
This NLP thing is definitely something I can combine with EFT. If anything negative comes up, like feeling undeserving, I can tap it away, and then focus on the positive word while tapping. Visualisation and tapping together are quite effective, especially when relaxed.
Creating imprints with mental images. And sending that to all my cells.
I am definitely combining techniques ;) Thanks for sharing.
You are welcome.
I know right ?
Bigups !