Best of luck. From what you wrote, my take is, he means a lot more to you than you do to him. I hope it all turns out well for you. Meantime, stay safe. Be aware that meth can do strange things to people. Violence is one of those.
Without trust there can be no happiness in a relationship. Honesty and trust are the cornerstones of a loving relationship.
I revert to my previous statement, get out while you can without too much damage. You bear no guilt. You did not give him HIV, you are not abandoning him. He came to you ill, he leaves you in the same way.
Best of luck. From what you wrote, my take is, he means a lot more to you than you do to him. I hope it all turns out well for you. Meantime, stay safe. Be aware that meth can do strange things to people. Violence is one of those.
I believe I mean a lot to him too, but still not enough to stop completely from taking meth and I don't fucking trust him anymore.
Without trust there can be no happiness in a relationship. Honesty and trust are the cornerstones of a loving relationship.
I revert to my previous statement, get out while you can without too much damage. You bear no guilt. You did not give him HIV, you are not abandoning him. He came to you ill, he leaves you in the same way.
And stay off the meth.