
Mixed emotions. I understand.
A bad start already, tellling you one month later.
And about the meth "every once in a while"; maybe he IS telling the truth but have seen too much around me that most times it was just a little white lie.

Take care! Agree with @metzli, Run!

It’s a tough one to get out of. May You find the strength you need.

I agree with @metzli. Get out of there, or get him out of there. Either way, RUN.

Putting up with shitty nonsense like that is never, ever worth it.

The fuckhead is making things easy just acting not guilty at all, so I am furious like a beast and I need to kick him out asap.@metzli @smasssh @majes.tytyty Thank you so much for this. It feels good to hear that.

Threaten intense violence. That usually scares people enough to make them run away.

If not, threaten intense and life-endangering violence. And scream very loud!!!