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RE: Writing is hard

in #blog3 years ago

Honestly, the rain doesn't bother me. I spent most of my childhood in southeastern Alaska, heavy on the rain, not that much snow. It wasn't a bad weekend, I just feel I would have had a better time at home. For some people that makes it a bad trip. For me? As a stay-at-home parent, it was a working weekend. So what can you do.

As for Vlogging, yeah I do that sometimes. The Think Tank episodes that I re-blog I'm in. Ya know, shameless self promotion and all that. I should try doing more of it in the future.


I imagine it's more of a pain in the system to set up XD was just throwing an idea around as you seem to want to make stuff and it's easier to make stuff if you can present it in a format you're happiest in :)

This is true, it is a pain in the system. XD