Now we were installed on koh Jum, or pu as this part of the island is called, and if it is to be properly reproduced, it is likely that when this post is released in cyberspace we probably have already left this island. The mobile coverage is almost non-existent, it's now night out and our friends we met today crashed and gave up already at 5pm because of jetleg and sleep shortage.

We made an effort to sit down in the restaurant on the chill cushions for some nice sunsetchilling, but a family came up with some dissatisfied youngsters who did not really agree on whose time it was to play with the I-pad. When we realized that this problem would not be solved in the foreseeable future, we chose to leave on walkover.

So now we lie here in the darkness at 7 pm under the mosquito net, without connecting with 3G or wi-fi and listening to the crickets instead, but I'm not bitter.
All our emergency candy are safely stored in the kitchen at the restaurant because our hairy cousins the monkies apparently have super sense of smell and enter the bungalow in search of goodies, and it feels like you want to avoid that to happen.

Tomorrow we have reserved the motorbikes that are here and we are going for a trip. We have been driving around this island before, but it was four years ago and the development is moving fast so there is always something new to see.
This is written February 2nd in the total radioshadow😜
love to be connected, love to be online 🌺❤️☮️