After one night in the smelly room With the bad plumming, the princess and the hibernated hippie (and their husband) agreed that enough is enough and checked out. However, it became a short move to the next door guesthouse, more than twice as expensive but in this case clearly worth it.

Nice bungalow with seaview and a flushtoilet. We only booked one night because we had planned to go on to the next day to Khanom, but all the train tickets had ended and the bus seemed to be the option with three swaps,but that felt a little to much even for us ( we usually claim that the trip is the destination.)

It became a night train the day after instead, maybe not the best choice but apparently the only one (is it even a choice then?). We really like the train and maybe especially the night train, but in this case the train will depart from Ban Krut 00; 30 and is basically always delayed, (we have heard), and arrive at Surat Thani like 6:00 am so it does not feel like a hit. Then there will be bus and minivan to Khanom..but then will be then and that will be another story😉. Now we live here in our nice, good-smelling bungalow and enjoy a couple of extra days instead.

Last night we were home to a couple of friends at dinner, they had been on the market and shopped,they cooked fresh prawns, eggs, Kalles caviar (swedish stuff) sushi, fresh spring rolls and small sausages on sticks. Very nice and tasty, we bought with us mangostickyrice from a foodtruck on our way there for dessert.

The day today has been a bit mixed I went down to the beach and read a little and Rickard took a turn with the motorbike to a temple and watched some buddha, do not think it was so much for the spiritual experience but more that it was ”the ants in the pants” that were the drivingforce.

After this our unique "self-time" we ate lunch togheter at one of the beach restaurants that today took Phet = Spicey to another level, but shit happens when you're to ”bravehearted”when you order, but we ate the food that We ordered with an ice bucket that stood on the table, while the endorphins danced samba from the lips down to the stomach ... and I will not be surprised if that dance will continue further south 😜

We have now been driving around on every possible small road, and it's a nice little village here, it's a beautiful blend of countryside with small dirt roads through palm forests and little buildings here and there, but also a little more small town feeling ala wildwestern style

and beyond the side runs the infinite beach, which has a bit of quality as a real book example of a paradise beach, while some parts are more or less rubbish of driftwood and / or garbage from the sea. But overall it is not crowded, there are not many tourists here at all, but you see them a little here and there, most are long-stayers or residents.

On the other side of the long beach you can see large and smaller resorts and many of them seem completely abandoned and some are just falling apart. It seems that there was a dream of the big tourist stream, but everything stopped before it even started. I wonder what it is that makes certain places get all the attention and others not even a crumble from the cake.

can it be so easy that the beaches on this side do not have a sunset? that it's better to sip an umbrella drink and watch the sun go into the sea than to drink a cup of coffee when it rises from the same water? I do not know, but sometimes the answers are not stranger than that.

But even if umbrella drinks at sunset are more Instagram friendly and some coffee at sunrise, I will never be able to take that coffee picture I can´t get up that early, but yet we like Ban Krut and we Will return some day.
We meet again 🌺❤️☮️
Another beautiful escape town :)
Yes it really is, We found this town/village a couple of years ago and We keep coming back year after year...maybe We end up here when We get older😉👵🏼👴🏼
Hahaha I totally feel you! I love sunset because sunrise is such a pain to wake up.
Yes indeed😜