As soon as I've seen the title of this video, I recognized myself in it :)
I was always impressed with people taking large bites of their ice-cream, since I was never able to do that. The pain in my teeth is just unbearable.
So I don't eat ice-creams almost at all, except in rare occasions when I can get my hands on high-quality, milky ice-cream, with as less as possible ice in it, and preferable in a box, so I can eat it with a spoon.
What about you, do you have sensitive teeth, and do you usually bite ice-cream? :)
Lol, what a loser!
I was always a loser, that's why I ended up on Steemit, trying to heal my frustrations and complexes by bullying innocent people.
Flag me, flag me harder
I am an owl. A beak is a pretty neat thing.
But maybe owls with sensitive beaks cannot eat ice-cream as well?
It beaks me why it can be sensitive. :D There are no nerves inside right
Excellent notion, dear Owl-son! :D
The beak areas closest to the head have nerve endings and blood supply, but there are no any towards the tip of the beak.
Beaks are owl-some @regularowl give her a tip for that pun
Thank you very much @regularowl cutie ❤❤❤
Such a clever engineering
Yep, unbearable for me. Makes me cringe thinking about it!
So we share the pain :)
In the same class as running fingernails across a blackboard :(
Hahahaha, you gave me a good laugh :D
But yes, I totally know what you mean.