As many people had already predicted, technology advances at a speed that is impossible for us to understand or catch up completely, so that at this time end users only consume this technology either for work, study, distraction and even other things like bullying or committing crimes in some unusual way that only a few could think of.

Our daily life was surrounded by technology, which has been slowly being inoculated by AIs, so much so that it is difficult to know to what extent we are using it and even worse if we are helping these AIs to advance or evolve. Yes, we are participating in their development with our interactions in networks, cars, assistants, navigators, maps and even to create content like this one.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" Arthur C. Clarke. This phrase has fit perfectly for a long time, only now we should change "Magic" for "Reality". Every day we can see news of any kind and we can not be sure if they are real or fake, that is to say, they are indistinguishable from reality and possibly some of those news we will never know if they really happened.