
Good report @shayne!

Did the 60 Minutes respond to you in any way?

No response. I don't expect one at all. They wouldn't respond to someone who could point out so easily that they are lying.

Thanks! :D

Until the swamp is drained and the rats start squealing, the truth may never be heard by the masses.

Indeed. The scum in Washington need to be purged.

Great work.
~The Management
ImgurGreat expose`! Will repost over @phibetaiota The #pizzagate discoveries are the Achilles Heel of the elites.

I just finished watching the Fake News part of the 60 Minutes episode, came on Steemit to see if anybody was commenting about it, and read your post. I laughed hard when Mark Dice read the cocaine hotel room story, but I didn't laughed at all when watching 60 Minutes. I felt intellectually disrespected, my logic insulted, almost brain assaulted. I agree: frauds and incompetent.

The best part about your blog was the video commentary by River Phoenix -- ah -- I meant Mark Dice.

I appreciate Dice for who he is. I don't agree with all of his views but I do like his presentation and exposés.