Enjoying coffee

in #blog4 years ago (edited)



Menikmati kopi sudah menjadi suatu yang tidak bisa di lewatkan saat apapun dan kapanpun apalagi saat bekerja seolah menjadi pelengkap rasa .
Apalagi saat jenuh kopi menjadi penawar walau hanya sementara tapi terasa sekali nikmatnya .

Apalagi bagi kawan saya sebagai pekerja wiraswasta pengolahan limbah kertas walaupun tidak butuh pemikiran keras tapi rasa jenuh pasti saja ada dan di saat itu kopi menjadi selingan melepas rasa jenuh . Mungkin hanya sugesti tapi begitulah nikmatnya kopi apalagi bagi mereka yang hobi dengan minuman kopi .


Enjoying coffee has become something that cannot be missed at any time, anytime, especially when working seems to complement the taste.
Especially when coffee is saturated, it becomes an antidote, even though it is only temporary, it feels delicious.

Especially for my friend, as a paper waste processing private worker, even though it doesn't require hard thinking, there is certainly a feeling of boredom and at that time it becomes a distraction to release boredom.
Maybe it's just a suggestion, but that's how delicious coffee is, especially for those who like coffee drinks.

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