
they were replaced by a different set of rulers - except these ones were Rothschild puppets.

(why do you think Putin is after soros?- he's a Rothschild gofer)

The tsar made it nearly impossible for Rothschild to have banking in Russia - oops, then they have a 'revolution' and are taken over...
( just like Iraq Libya, and Iran...notice a pattern?) can't smell the coffee, yet?

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

😂 soros

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

Looking at how much information I have rsearched, - and how much you have shown ...
....give me some of your info then.
Give me some facts to back up any argument you make...? didn't think so.

Typical socialist - too lazy to do anything themselves, and expect others to deliver for them!

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

well give me some links that will help, from your research for you to come to the conclusions that you's easy.

Unless you don't actually have any information at all, to back up your position.

Unless you only have your position that is not based on anything, except leftist beliefs.

Prove to me the Rothschild (includesrockerfeller, wahburgs, schiffs - the usual suspects.)
....didn't fund your communist revolution for example - show me the funding sources...

I don't think you have any actual information, tbh - just trolling and trying to appear you have knowledge.

Stop it, and do some work..or provide me with your information...