My first grade grandson loves Algebra.

in #blog6 months ago

I got my grandson a dry erase board for Christmas. He was running out of chalkboard space for his equations.

My Daughter asked him about his dog Lincoln whining (he wanted food); and this is the result. He timed Lincoln's whining and....


He calculated that Lincoln was going to whine 120 times in the next day. BTW, this dachshund is pretty spoiled.

Here's the culprit:

I especially like the cancelation of the hour term in the equation, as it shows that he understands how to use Algebra to get real world answers! He didn't show his Momma his work, this was for His own use....

Here's my first grade Algebra whiz (in the sun glasses):

They're having problems keeping up with him at school! He reads everything he can get his hands on, so school is more to see friends than learn.

He inherited my love of rocks:
So when he found out that there is other stuff inside some, he went mining for crystals. I got to get him some geodes now, ROFLOL!

I taught him how to extract square roots, then told him about cubed roots. He's having a blast! He started solving simultaneous equations by himself, and Dad called me to ask if it was valid. He sent me some pictures, and he nailed it! He's going to be a handful...I think I'll explain Calculus next. He'll love that!

His mind is a sponge right now, and Math is his toy....


I am so glad to see you posting and that you are well and also to see your beautiful grandson who loves algebra and rocks. A big hug!

It has been a battle, but with Prayer and herbals, I'm doing a lot better!

Not bad algebra for a first grader, ROFLOL! I knew he'd like that dry erase board....

I am relieved to hear you are better!!!! From the bottom of my heart! Keep up the good work!

Got the best doctor in the universe...and His medicine is doing a great job!

Well said! Keep going! 💗

Getting better every day! Pays to be hard headed....


hahaha yes!!! It's worth it, you have to live!

Seeing you after a long time, hope you are well. Children who are more interested in studies, they are sure to succeed in the future.

He's really challenging his school. I think he will do pretty well!

I'm doing well, just got sick for a while.


WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! I'm so glad to see you back again! Cool kid, like his

Been pretty sick, but I'm improving daily!

He is a really bright kid. Smarter every time I see him!


I was very worried, you fell off so abruptly and completely. I'm so glad to hear you are getting better!
He does sound bright. I've tutored juniors in high school who couldn't do what he can do. I love me a math lover!
Welcome back!

I got pretty sick for a while, but when I got home; I started improving. I was recovering but had kidney stone problems, that knocked me down for that unrelated problem. Finally climbing out again!

He makes me happy, he's so darned smart and interested in everything. Looks good for his future!


Thanks for sharing.


He gets excited over this stuff, that's why I bought him the dry erase board.

Confidence is makes children successful

He plays with math, it is his personal toy!


Mathematics is very tough subject