I'll have it running soon, but half may be lead acid to get moved...to be replaced when time allows. Everything for the solar system is there already, but I must build the components for the wind generator controls myself.
I'll be running 24 volts at a thousand amps!
Sure sir. I'm waiting 😍🥰
It won't be tonight, LOL. I just moved the solar panels out to the homestead last week...still need to weld up a frame to hold them! But progress is steady.
Wow that's great 😍well solar panels are also great idea
They will be parallel with a wind generator, and should put about 15,000 watts in the batteries each day. That could be higher, because I plan to track the sun with these panels, and I'm using their fixed frame estimates.
At the homestead, using the average wind velocity; the wind generator will make about 12,000 watts in a 24 hour period. This does not include the constant breeze coming up hill off of the lake.
In both instances, I'm using worst case charging rates; and should see more charge than that.