A Quick Trip to Tampa, Florida

in #blog7 years ago

 Took a recent trip down to Tampa with my dad for the week after Christmas. Like always, I didn't really have a plan for stuff to do while down there so on the first day I went to hang out at St. Petersburg. I tend to visit St. Petersburg on every trip down to see what has changed. They're still disassembling the pier that I believe they started last year? I liked that pier, although I never got to explore it, I did get a pretty cool sunrise shot of it a few years ago. 

 Although the pier is no longer with us, the wildlife is probably why I keep coming back. Pelicans, seagulls, squirrels and occasional dolphin fins. Equipped with the new Nikon D850 and the 70-200mm f/2.8E, I'll sit on that ledge all day. 

 There was a lot of pelican activity the day that I was there... Just on the other side of the harbor...  My luck.I decided against moving and shot photos from where I was sitting, the same ledge that I always sit at. Remembering, it's a game of patience. 

 These two guys were getting closer and closer so I decided to step back a little bit.  

 Laying in the grass, army style, about 15 feet away. (Nikkor 200mm f/2.8E)

 I can't stress this enough when shooting wildlife, or any animals for that matter, you really need to get eye level with them. Not only will that fill your frame but it will also make you feel like you're actually there in front of them. You also have a perspective of what they see.  So next time you're shooting photos of your pets, take a seat and start snapping away. 

 Anyway, that was St. Petersburg. Here's another example of getting eye level with you're subject. Sorry for the quality as it was a screen grab from one of the 120fps videos I shot while there. 

 You can check out the rest of the photos I shot on my website, here. I used the new Nikon D850 with the 24mm 1.4G and 70-200mm 2.8E.

You can check out the rest of my photography gear here and everything that I shoot with: Photography Kit


 © 2018 TylerHarney.com All Rights Reserved 


Sigh, I don't know why some of the images are coming out broken.

Taken and linked from my blog

That sunset looks amazing. I love how the red on the left fades into the blue on the right.