Blog - Yesterday i visited a place like rural area beside of my home

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Hey guys, How are you all?
Hopefully good. I am also. Writing after 2 days. I generally try to post everyday if there is no crucial situation. I didn't wrote last three days because in our country there is happening something very bad. I will try to write about it on my next post. In this post i will be telling you guys about yesterday.

I am generally a prisoner of home. I go outside of my home rarely. But my friends are not like me. They all always keep enjoying by playing, visiting many place. If you read my blog, then you may know i have changed my house and now i am staying on College gate,Tongi,Gazipur. I am staying here for more than 1 year but i know rarely some place of this area and yes you can laugh on it but this is true. My friends always keep saying to go with them but i am bit lazy no no too lazy to do so.

But yesterday, i went out and meet with two friends. They are Sajal and Hasan. They always used to talk about a place which look like a Bangladeshi rural area(in there words, it is called Khet). I do love the nature and though of going there. It wasn't too much far. we walked for 20 minute and reached there. After reaching and seeing the scenario i was shocked. I couldn't think that there will be such a place like this. I captured some photographs which is will share at the end of the post.

Then we sat there and had some conversation. After the end of the conversation we went to a fair which was held beside of that place. There we played some Gun Shoot. There is given 6 bullet and 1 air gun to shoot 6 small balloons. I also tried. For me 4 of 6 was shoot in target and rest 2 missed because of the low range of that gun. After that we returned to that place and had some peanuts.

After all of these stuffs we started for our home. We really had a great fun.

Some of my captured photo





My own photos in anonymous mode 😂😂



This is the end of this blog. Thank for the time to read my blog

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