The MSM media is accusing Trump of not supporting US Agencies vs Russia/Putin, and worse even of taking Putin's side over the USA's in the question of Russian alleged election meddling. Trump has denied the accusations of collusion since they first arose so what did his critics expect that he would meet Putin and all of a sudden accuse Russia of election meddling, ridiculous. And if Russia meddled to help him do you expect him to attack Putin for the service lol. One thing that the accusers fail to mention is that candidate Trump had no power over what the nuclear power Russia does or doesn't do, even now as President he couldn't stop Russian hacking, meddling etc. because it's very difficult to stop, probably impossible. Sure Trump could nuke Russia and end it but that would get a response of the atomic kind. The USA itself has meddled in many nations internal politics, elections and even supported coups against democratically elected leaders like Arbenz, Allende, Mossadeq, Hugo Chavez etc. The USA has no intention of stoping such policies.
If Russia did it then Putin is the biggest bad ass ever because he gave the American's a taste of their own behaviour and they hate him for it. If the USA considers election meddling to be wrong then it must act accordingly and acknowledge that it is wrong universally and not just when someone does it to them and immediately cease and desist and maybe even pay compensation to nations whose democracy & human rights were damaged as a result of US meddling. Ofcourse empires will never do this but one can hope.
The real big news should have been that the US media circus is taking the Russia accusations global, one journalist even had the audacity to ask Putin if he has dirt on Trump and his family, I was watching this like "What the fuck!?!, that is what you ask Putin, man you must be fucking kidding". But these questions as annoying as they are are genius, you see the more Trump and Putin deny it the more their opponents will accuse them of hiding something, like a innocent man accused of rape his denials only serve to compromise him more because with every denial the topic he is alleged of is brought up again and again and suspicions heat up. The Russia accusations will stick to Trump throughout his first term regardless of truth or untruth.
Also interestung is that for the first time Trump was forced to backtrack under immense pressure, something that he doesn't usually do. This retraction/correction will only serve to embolden his foes in the Democratic and Republican parties and the media (eg CNN). My advice to Trump would be to no longer talk about it, he can only deny so often and now even his denials are being attacked, the only other logical option is to stay away from this. He should tell the media that it is an ongoing case and he won't address it until a court has dealt with it.
Trump's opponents will never stop. This is the revenge for the Obama birth certificate talk and the crooked Hillary talk lol. It literally is personal. Politics has it's own morality just like Trump and the USA.