Who the hell cares whether the US embassy is in Jerusalem or wherever. Look at Israels Army they are using all kinds of American made weapons and weapons components and software. A embassy deals with visas, assisting citizens abroad and diplomatic things etc. But weapons kill. EDIT
You would think that the scandal is the weapons or US Foreign policy in general when it comes to the middle east or Israeli meddling in US politics but no it's a embassy location. END EDIT
Whether one likes it or not Israel exists. They even have the Atomic bomb to guarantee their survival. And BC weapons most likely as well. Israel is not going anywhere so the best advice to muslims is arrange yourself with them. Or your children and grandchildren will be destined to see more wars and death and destruction might come their way.
Many say Trump is unpredictable the truth is Trump did exactly what he preached in this question PRO ISRAEL.
well, Trump is a business man and a business man won't give something without getting something in return. Maybe we should care that the embassy will be moved to Jerusalem I firmly believe that by moving the embassy Trump wants somethng in return from Netanyahu. Maybe it'll be to stop the west bank settlement expansions, maybe try to convince the Israelis they're no more gods chosen people than anyone else on this planet and get to the negotiation table in a serious way. Trump is trying a new angle and I don't blame him, nothing has led to peace for the past 75 years or so, maybe his move will, you never know. Sometimes it's better to do the wrong thing instead of what the majority considers the right thing to do. My 5 cents.
The situation between Israeli and Palestinian it is not as simple as it seems, otherwise it would be solved.
What exactly did I say that is anti-israel?
Did you even read my blog post?!?
I even said muslims must arrange themselves with Israel as a reality that isn' t going to change. What about this is anti Israel?
they cant arrange themselves with Israel.
theoretically, they can, and i am pro that idea / palestinians should seek refugee in friendly countries and leave their ghettos to territory hungry Israel.
thats better option than airstrikes, shellings and settlers terror their civilians are going through every a bit.
even if there is no extremists who would give IDF
to use latest weapons on populated urban areas, there would be another reason and justification.ive just read 5 min ago, on steemit, how Israel has biblical right to Jerusalem.
Cant get more primitive than that. They would kill more people for territory, and blame it on god. (Deicide anyone?) Combine that with latest USA weapons, and yearly tip from USA taxpayers of 3bn for new toys, and there you have something pretty hard to arrange with.
so instead being sitting ducks, or fighting with stones, they should move out to safety.
even if that somehow happens, im sure USA will start promoting Israeli biblical rights to other countries. All that weapons and bugdet cant just rust in garage.
America is a country founded on colonization. They are used to the concept of a people with more advanced weapons etc. taking from a less advanced people. The problem is you can't do it half way. It's like sex. You don't put it in half way and say good I'm done, the woman will fucking kill you.
That's true. Trump is pro-Israel. How many muslims do you reach with your posts on Steemit?
I am not targeting the Muslim demographic specifically. But if they are here they are welcome to read my blog post as anybody else even if I know they may not agree with my viewpoint.
you cant be POTUS without being pro Israel. its quite obvious.
Whilst America is busy looking for alleged Russian agents, infiltration and propaganda the Israelis are pulling influential American politician's strings and they are doing it openly and covertly. Why should a American Soldier fight and die for Israel?
And is it support without limits eg if it was known as absolute certainty that US support for Israel would lead to let's say New York being annihilated in a nuclear bomb attack and millions dead would americans say it's worth it let's keep going as usual?
Did you know That Netanayhou has 6 Twitter accounts. And he followed No Arab leader except The “middle east gay club” and Palestinian PM. That is the way to everlasting peace.

I don't use twitter so forgive me if I mistake their options but what if they blocked his follow request or his friend request?