I’m grateful to you for inspiring this post/triggering a response for me. 😘
I’ve been a little quiet lately for a number of reasons. We were traveling on holiday. I could have posted then...I had the time. Just family, trips, distractions.
Also, I’ve been reading a book lately that has kept my attention rapt! I keep wanting to share it with you because it’s written by an author who is awake, truly AWAKE, like Nisargadatta. Have you read Jed McKenna? “Spiritual Enlightenment...The Damedest Thing.” 🙌🏽🙌🏽 👌🏼
Yes, I should always list Sean for photo credits. I am very lucky (and weird) to have THOUSANDS of stock photos of myself on hand to match different moods of my posts. He has taken most all of them. 🙏🏽
(Oh, and thank you for the resteem!🙏🏽)
Haven't heard about Jed McKenna. Will google him.