Sometimes, even with careful planning, life can become hectic or stressful. Traffic delays, unexpected calls, and unforeseen events can all play havoc with our daily lives. Problems may arise and may seem insurmountable. At times like these, when all you can do is watch your peace of mind go out the window, try these quich meditations.
Traveling meditation
This meditation is particularlygood for relieving stress when you are running late. It can be performed anywhere: on a train, on a bus, in a traffic gridlock, but for safety's sake make sure you're not driving while you do it!
Let the whole of your body go loose, relaxing any areas of tension, and take a couple of deep breaths.
Accept that you have now done all you can to make up the lost time. There is nothing more you can do to make you get there any faster.
Focus on your breathing, and visualize the anxiety or worry simply floating away with each exhalation. Don't follow it, just let it go.
Each time the anxiety tries to come back, gently silence it and bring your mind back to its inner calm and peace. If the chatter persists, try repeating the mantra "PEACE" with each exhalation.
!Visualization can transport your mind to the most tranquil of scenes in an instant.
Step at a time
This meditation provides quick relief if you feel overwhelmed by too many things to do. In the longer term, you should try to lighten your load and prioritize remaining tasks.
Stop what you are doing and take a few seconds to relax your self. Release the tension from your body and breathe deeply and naturally.
Accept that you can't do everything at once. You can only do one thing at a time. Decide to focus on just one task, and clear your mind of everything else. Whenever your mind
tries to think of other things still to be done, gently bring it back to the task in hand.Now focus on that one task with mindfulness. Be aware of everything about it and use all your senses as much as possible: sight, smell, touch, and so on. Calmly watch yourslef
doing it until the job is done. Then move on and complete the next task.
Bubble of protection
If ever you feel vulnerable, intimidated, or just in need of protectionin some way, try this visualization. It will help you to distance yourself from the source of the worry and make you feel safe and protected.
Shake out all the tension from your body, allow yourself to relax in whatever position you are in. Breathe naturally.
Imagine a bubble of blue-white light all around you. You are safe inside it. The bubble is chargedwith sparkling, protective energy. It moves with you, and although it is soft on the inside, on the outside it is strong and is shielding you from whatever is making you anxious. It is keeping whatever is worrying you at a distance.
While you are inside the bubble, focus on your breathing. Visualize the blue-white light flowing in and out of your pores as you inhale and exhale. The sparkling light is filling you with strengh and energy.
Keep the bubble around you until the pressure is over and you feel comfortable enough to let it go.
!Consciously let go of tension in each area of your body to reach a truly relaxed state.
Boost your confidence
This visualization will help you to face difficult situations calmly, so if you need to soothe your nerves and boost your self-confidence, perhaps for a job interview or before speaking in public, this meditation is for you.
Take a few moments to release all the tension from your body. Take a couple of deep breaths, then breathe naturally again.
Visualize yourself entering into the challenging situation with confidence. If it is a job interview or a public speech, for instance, see yourself walkingin and exuding self-sonfidence. You are very relaxed and talking freely and confidently with the interviewer or the audience. The exchange between you is very positive, and the interviewer or the audience looks enthusiastic when you are speaking. You answer all questions happily and with confidence. At the end, the interviewe or audience shows a lot of enthusiasm for what you have said and you feel happy that your performance has been so impressive.
Keep this image in your mind as long as possible. To reinforce the visualization, try repeating a positive affirmation, something like "I can handle this" or "I am supremely confident".
You can also do this meditation to help you get over exam nerves. Replace step 2 as follows:
Visualize yourself feeling very at ease about the exam and speaking or writing the answers very confidently. You are relaxed and happy, and speaking or writing smoothly and comfortably. At the end, see yourself feeling extremely pleased with what you have done and confident that you are going to pass. #
!When you are nervous, take a few minutes to visualize some new self-confidence.
Great stress relieving tips. Would definitely give them a try.
Agreed. Me too.
Go for it!