your personal experience is not an argument
I was giving personal experience to make sense of the conclusion I have come to. A conclusion based on experience is not fact but insight into perspective. My argument is based on the facts, perspectives and biases I have. You rebuke with less than what I originally gave, all you add are snipe comments to make you feel intelligent, followed by pathetic emojis. Thats all you have added to the discourse thus far.
you didnt realise I copied and pasted your own argument and substituted christian and catholic from jew and zionism? Pay attention ...
No I know thats what you did but thats besides the point, whats the point of making a statement if you think a decent rebuttal of it is to replace words in it and go “see thats why im so smort”. I can re type your whole blog and replace everything with “My names lucylin, a complete and utter waste of space, wahh wahh wahh” and would you look at that, the whole point you were making has been thrown out the window!
making assumptions of where I am in relation to you, makes you look the fool, not me.
Yeah says you, Mr. Assume so much, fill in the gaps, take snipits of my comment and as stated above reply with pathetic jibes at me personally instead of the comment as a whole to further your issue with people taking aim at the jews as well as everything else.
you see yourself as being attacked
You are not rebuking my points when you take them out of context, all you are doing is commiting logical fallacy after logical fallacy by doing so. If you wanted a discussion you wouldnt have styled your rebuttals with point by point breakdowns and liter your responses with slights. Something intellectual people have no need for. But thats what david bohm and jidhu tried to explain with their many conversations. That to actually sit down and discuss world views is practically impossible when people like yourself bring copious amounts of ego to the table. In essence attacking me over my perception of the world instead of attempting to further your understanding as I did with your article.
You certainly lack a sense of insight and self deprication. Must be from the years and years of telling yourself how good you are and demanding respect instead of earning it. You couldnt hold a decent conversation if you tried, you just want the ability to force your opinion down everyones throat and to overtly at all costs disprove anything that differs. You may as well be a liberal and vote for hillary with that horrific mindset.
Any one claiming intellectualism is showing a sure sign on insecurity.
😂 😂
You're funny.
And someone purportedly claiming intellectual superiority, and then dramatically at all costs replying to every comment with point by point breakdowns but adding nothing but pathetic out of context dribble is someone afraid of something too. Maybe you need to go look in the mirror for a while kiddo.
I'm stupid, why would I ever claim that?
That as may be, but my claim for your superior intellect is stemming from the fact that I merely offered compliments on your work here and my opinion to not completely count out jewish involvement, and you matched that with a constant bludgeoning of any slightly opposed opinion,this very plainly draws a line between you thinking that no one else at any point is allowed to have an opposing view point to this one detail, and that because of that you must think you are the smartest here for only you hold the right view. Therefore your understanding on the matter must be supreme and above all else for you to be so cock sure of your take on the matter.
You now turn around and attempt to claim a humble stupidity. You cannot keep side stepping responsibility for your actions on calling me out over nothing. When all I did was as I stated above.
I called you out over disregarding my very first sentence in the post...
Your comment was the antithesis of my very first sentence, and highlighted the very problem I was addressing.
So I was - as you can now see - calling you out on something. (you missed that point?)
That something was the unwitting membership of the TUIS.
... humble? nah, just stupid.😂
I still stand by the idea that you called me out over less than nothing at the very least, I gave rhyme to reason why I stated that jews are still part of the issue and helped create the problem. I agree with the premise of your article that zionism is the issue and that the key families are at fault and have been a guiding hand to say the least, but I whole heartedly believe it is pathetic and naive to not place blame on the jews. This is not antithesis of your first sentence, It is my opinion based on everything I have gone to great lengths to explain to you. And just because you want to defend the jews and call anyone an idiot for not trusting them is why I wrote what I did, as a way to show you that there is no need to be so black and white, the jews can be blamed without your whole point coming down. And there is always another way to still view the world without losing your integrity or give up the good fight. If you want to lead people to the conclusion that a useful idiot for the zionists blames the jews then go right ahead but you will come full circle with this as eventually like I did, you will see that there is simply no way without the religious backing of judaism, zionism couldnt exist.
...yeah, but that not my fault. 😂
....where did I said that?.....
(Putting words in other peoples mouth indicates a severe lack of ideas, btw).
I will. I don't need your approval to post on my profile! lol.
.....And thank you for proving my point so eloquently...You have done a fantastic job!