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RE: Bunnypuncher debate topic - Let's figure out: WEED (3 good entries will win 2 Steem each)

in #blog7 years ago

It should be legal because it was put here by mother nature to use as a plant. No plant should be illegal. Notice how they can't patent a plant.
Alcohol and big pharma was not put here by MN. We as humans have over 1000 THC receptors in our bodies..... yes you, the person who's totally against have them too. What? This means that through out humans existence here on this mudball that we've used this plant over time to a point that our bodies developed these receptors(or maybe they've been with us from the beginning?). Hmmmmm, makes ya stop and think doesn't it? This plant has so many benefits that I'm not gonna even attempt to start listing them. Oh, there's also not one recorded death from overdose pertaining to this plant.... hmmmm. No one should have to have a license to use it or grow it if they so choose. That shit is all about lining someone else's pockets with fiat(Don't the medical and Insurance Companies do enough of this already?). Cooking with it IMO was way better than smoking although I did inhale...... so none Clintonesk(what a jackass!) Let's not forget it's prolific rooting system that would greatly benefit places like Cali with all their mudslide issues. If it were everywhere the green health of the planet would be booming and there would be a shitload less to deal with from the perspective of the lame ass war on drugs. In my opinion it should be thought of as basil. Let's face it if you go to anyone's bathroom med cabinet it's full of pills that'll kill you and "ARE" killing you slowly(brainwashed sheep/just change your diet) but this wonderful plant is illegal and extorted from the people. If for nothing else it should be free and clear for usage by those who choose to partake. By the way, I haven't been around it for at least a decade now but I believe what I wrote. It truly is a miracle plant and this is why its been demonized and kept from the people for so long. Freeing the weed doesn't make fiat.............